
Solution for high yield precision injection glue

High-yield precision jet dispensing scheme

The parallel trends in product and component miniaturization pose a unique challenge to the dispensing process. Dotate applications must be operated accurately and consistently on small packages. Moreover, in order to increase the unit hour capacity target, this operation must be completed quickly.

Supplying by multiple suppliers is a complex task. To avoid this complexity, manufacturers have turned to the use of electromechanical equipment components and modular components.

Electromechanical device components are used to perform independent operations, such as head suspension components in a hard drive and camera modules in a smartphone. Each module can contain a variety of unique components that can perform a large number of necessary functions.

The trend of modularity brings many benefits to manufacturers. These benefits include reduced supply chain costs, faster time to market, stand-alone module testing that easily identifies defects, fast functional integration, and intact functional performance. The use of binders and encapsulation materials preserves these benefits, protecting the electronic components from external pressure, contamination, and electrical bridging.

Solution for high yield precision injection glue (1)

However, the parallel trend of product and component miniaturization poses a unique challenge to the dispensing process. Dotate applications must be operated accurately and consistently on small packages. Moreover, in order to increase the unit hour capacity target, this operation must be completed quickly.

To achieve high yield and yield, automatic dispensing applications must match the patch process (15,00,050,000 Chips per hour), incorporate fluid points into the narrow gap between the elements, and avoid the forbidden zone (KOZ) within the tight geometry. To meet these requirements, the HDF integrates the following aspects:

Series dispensing platforms are specifically designed to support bottom filling, type cavity filling, chip bonding, and packaging processes that require smaller and smaller deployment objectives, line width, and prohibited zone requirements.

When used in conjunction with the deployment platform, the HDF injection dispensing system provides small adhesive points as small as 1.5 μ m and a fast, clean narrow jet streamline width, thereby increasing unit hour capacity and avoiding contamination of the top of the chip and adjacent components. HDF can also spray viscous fluid at smaller sizes, with high-dimensional uniformity, which is challenging for any dispensing valve.

Solution for high yield precision injection glue (2)

The HDF function of Panasonic allows the valve to spray the fluid over the dispensing position. With HDF, dispensing capacity increases greatly because the nozzle does not slow down, stop, dot glue, and accelerate between dispensing locations. This function increases production by 2-6 times compared to stopping injection completely at each dispensing position

Post time: Oct-27-2022